Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Only Work in Extremes, Guys

11 new posts, I think, although 2-3 are just cut and pasted from Facebook.  The rest are fresh and up, and I really should post daily, but it's holidays, and I'm going crazy, and I need to finish up a gingerbread project, so whatever, guys. I'm on survival mode!!!

click here

Saturday, December 10, 2016

75 New Posts

Because I am insane during the holidays.

Me: "I am so crazy busy. I don't even have time to do all my holiday prep!!!"

Interviewer: "How are you going to cope with this?"

Me: "Oh, by catching up on my blog."

It makes perfect sense. It does. As long as you don't factor in logic an' stuff.

There's too much to post each individual post, so please feel free to scroll through the months individually:

If anything, please browse through October, because we had family pictures taken that month. Thanks  for reading!